Every social media platform has a marketing strategy that works

A marketing strategy that has been proved effective time and time again, regardless of the social media platform or network you’re using; it works on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn, and it’ll probably work on whatever new social media site comes out next. So here’s the deal: it’s not revolutionary or interesting, but it works, and it works well. So let’s get started.

As you certainly know, marketing is critical, if not the most critical aspect of your business, because marketing’s role is to help you acquire new leads, clients, sales, and customers, and without them, you don’t really have a business. Marketing, on the other hand, is not done in a vacuum or in a bubble with just you! After all, that’s how you’ll be able to communicate with them, build rapport, form a partnership, and eventually persuade them to purchase, sell, or conduct business with you.

The individuals you’re trying to attract, your potential clients, consumers, and audience, have already seen all of the marketing methods you’ll be delivering, which means they’re a lot more skeptical, disillusioned, and jaded as a result of years of being aggressively advertised to. They’ve seen the outrageous promises and declarations that “this is the best thing ever” and “this will solve all of your issues.” Needless to say, the majority of these claims have been exaggerated and under-delivered, leading to suspicion among certain customers.

The problem is that the sheer amount of overpromising and underdelivering communications have resulted in a rather burned-out market that is extremely distrustful of practically any marketer, brand, or message presented to them. Customers, clients, and buyers, in general, have made problems worse for you today. They usually have a lot more clout than you do, owing to their ability to quickly evaluate and do various forms of research, implying that they know a lot more about what you’re offering than you do.

Marketing strategy

The key to all of this is to recognize that the consumer and client have power, but only if you understand how they make purchasing decisions and how the brain works naturally can you create content that works for them rather than against them. As a result, we must first evaluate two completely different marketing tactics in order to do so effectively.

Inbound marketing vs. outbound marketing strategy

When most people think of marketing, they immediately think of outbound marketing. They think of advertisements and television commercials as something that goes out and interrupts or goes to the market in order to put the product in front of the user. Outbound marketing, as a very broad and very basic generalization, is anything that goes out and gets in front of someone’s face and disrupts them. It is, without a doubt, an example of outbound marketing.

You have to be a bit more provocative, a little more deceptive, and a little more pushy with outbound marketing to be successful; after all, you’re interrupting someone and trying to force a message in their face, and if you want a decent return on investment, you’ll have to pique their attention.

Now here’s the issue about outbound marketing: a lot of people disregard it as antiquated, ineffective, or spammy, especially more modern marketers and those who place a higher value on relationship and link building and ethical marketing. While certain outbound marketing methods and approaches are spammy, the great majority of them are not. There are, however, methods to do it effectively and ethically, guaranteeing consistency with the audience you’re trying to reach, the deal you’re offering, and the value you’re offering. as well as a multitude of other things.

Inbound marketing strategy

Inbound marketing is an alternative to outbound marketing, which is normally my preference. If we think of outbound marketing as something that goes out and stops people and throws our message into their faces, inbound marketing is the polar opposite. Inbound marketing, on the other hand, or what ‘Seth Godin’ refers to as permission marketing, is the polar opposite of that.

This is marketing that has been directly requested by your market’s partners, consumers, and audience; they have literally gone out on their own. When you present yourself, your organization, and your marketing as a resource or as someone who can help people by providing information, material, or resources, or anything, you’ll automatically attract them.

This is a very effective tool because it allows you to create marketing that does not look, feel, or sound like marketing. In other words, you can sell without selling, which means the buyer, client, prospect, or individual you’re trying to attract won’t feel like they’re being sold to, and as a result, their guard will automatically drop, making them more open and responsive to your message.

Marketing strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

However, there is one core principle, tenet, or basic, foundational piece of knowledge that ties everything together: content, and more specifically, the strategy behind the content, the method you design it, the research you conduct, the structure it takes, and the way it is presented to your audience.

Content marketing is, without a doubt, the most effective strategy to grow your business, acquire new clients and customers, and eventually raise revenues. Content marketing, on the other hand, only works when it is done correctly, with content that follows five distinct stages. So, let us deconstruct those for you.


Now, we’re not talking about the tone of your sentences, your logo, your colors, or your music when we say “style.” Rather, we’re talking about the essential features of the format or media you’re intending to utilize. Now, here’s the deal: while choosing a content style, you must make a relationship between two separate fields. The first is the kind of content you like to make. Are you more interested in video, audio, writing, graphics, or something else entirely? The second step is to figure out what kind of material your target audience prefers to consume.

Now, if at all possible, we strongly suggest you pursue a video marketing plan; not only will it offer you the most convincing, personable, authentic, and human connection with the person you’re aiming to meet, but it will also give you with the most innovative adaptability down the road. You could, for example, take your videos and extract the audio to make a podcast; you could then transcribe the audio into the text to make a blog post; and finally, you could send all of that content to a designer to make visuals or infographics that will help you drive traffic.

Marketing strategy

Long-form content is the next step in your content marketing strategy. Long-form content is defined as content that individuals can consume in-depth for 3 to 10 minutes, or even longer, such as 30 minutes or an hour. When we talk about long-form content, we’re not talking about novels or even speeches; instead, we’re talking about something like a video or a podcast that allows you to tell a little more of a story.


Marketing strategy

You should also generate ‘short-form content,’ which is brief, stackable material that can be digested in three to thirty seconds. Essentially, as they swipe through their phone seeking something, you appear and provide them something of value, such as a lesson, information, or entertainment. Short-form content is appealing because it is simple to create and consume, and it gives you more opportunity to expand touchpoints and the frequency with which you appear in front of your target audience.


Conversion content is the next form of material you can have in your toolset. When it comes to conversion content, the vast majority of entrepreneurs and business owners make one of two mistakes. The first is that they don’t create any conversion materials, which means they’re solely interested in giving value and never make a bid, send a message, or try to form a relationship.

So, what options do you have? The answer, like most things in life, is somewhere in the middle; it should be a balance of useful content and appropriate offers for the consumer you’re attempting to attract.


Now, content ascension is just fancy marketing lingo for the customer journey, a marketing funnel, or some other weird content process. With content ascension, on the other hand, you’ll want to keep nurturing, engaging, and connecting with your audience by guiding them from where they are now to where they want to be, one piece of content at a time.


So, what is the solution? The solution, like most things in marketing, is somewhere in the middle; it’s a mix of good information and offers that are relevant and significant to the consumer you’re trying to reach. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions; to provide relevant and trustworthy material, you must combine all formulas in the right proportions.

Some Tips for Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social Media Marketing Explained

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Owner, Digital Babies