Aelius Venture

Beacon Technology in Mobile Apps!

Beacon Technology in Mobile Apps

Beacon Technology is a sort of micro area technology to decide the area of items/people in a limited zone, and furthermore accompanies correspondence capacities by going about as relay towers. In this way, current organizations are in the line on the entryways of the mobile app development organizations, which have the capability of Beacon Technology and skills to execute its altered and innovative ways.


Today mobiles are loaded with GPS capacities. On the off chance that you don’t realize GPS, I might want to explain it is a location based Technology where Geo-orbiting satellites decide the area of an individual or gadget on the earth with the assistance of satellite signs and triangulation technologies. GPS is a worldwide phenomenon however what might be said about a closed premise where the chance of accepting GPS signal is nearly nil and accuracy in inches or feet is overwhelming. To overcome such micro-location issues, Beacon technologies were imagined, which depends on Bluetooth technologies, and Bluetooth empowered gadgets to define the location in closed premises (Micro-location) rather than the satellites in the space of the globe.

We will not plunge further to know how the Beacon technologies functions and detail behind it, however we positively realize that Bluetooth is at the core of Beacon Technology for mobile hardware and OS as its help is ubiquitous in the most recent handheld gadgets coming in the market every so often. Little Bluetooth chips with sensors are implanted in button-like gadgets and work with BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy) remote Technology to speak with BLE empowered cell phones and register the specific area of gadgets or gadget holders and furthermore speak with cell phones to deliver messages naturally or continuously. It helps advertisers and proprietors of the Beacon application to deliver area based information or messages in genuine settings when a client goes into the domain of Bluetooth access field. At the point when we use Beacon technologies in iOS gadgets, it terms as ‘iBeacon’ while for the remainder of the versatile OS stages, it is only ‘Guide.’ With this explanation and comprehension in regards to Beacon technology. How about we check which spaces influence the Beacon or iBeacon Technology the most and how the Technology adds esteems in various domain-specific mobile applications and helps iOS engineers to give an edge on the market.

Hospitality Apps

The principal utilization of iBeacon Technology is within premises and large to little premises like inns, eateries, hotels, bars, gambling clubs, and different food places are ideal cases to implement Beacon technology. Beacon Technology profiting accommodation industry some nice ways, for example,

1. Collect a virtual attendant available universally

2. Fast and smooth registration and out encounters through cell phone itself

3. Quick information on amenities accessible, opening, and investigation of POI (Point-of-Interest)

4. Security by locking-unlocking entryways using mobiles

5. Orders through cell phones on-table or in-room

6. Deliver news and marketing stuff carefully

Museum and Zoos Apps

We realize that it is so difficult to get a decent guide and appreciate the visit of historical centers and zoos held for a major reason, with various compartments, comfortably. Beacons put in every compartment or display can deliver direction, information, and messages to your guests in a totally logical way, and progressively too. Independent visits are conceivable with content-rich support, and interactive media content that Beacon conveys are sound, video, liveliness, and messages. Different advantages of Beacon in the historical center and displays are gaming, gathering information of guests, and promotions.

Retail Apps

15 out of top 20 retailers have executed Beacon technology. In this way, retailers see splendid possibilities by embracing Beacon technology. They see various benefits in their organizations, for example, to get experiences into the conduct of buyers while looking through advertisements, nearby promotions, and roaming in the store. In this way, it gives back-office insight. Retailers can receive rewards of proximity promoting and location based advertising. For retail customers, Beacon innovations improve the commitment, permit the recipient to receive benefits of payment.

Event Apps

Numerous occasions cover a huge territory with closed and open premises that make the occasion the executives seriously testing, particularly when various exercises are assigned across the distinctive field. At the appropriate time, Beacon Technology acts like a genie, showering various benefits to the occasion coordinators and even the members. For example,

1. It makes registration a smooth and relieving process as opposed to holding up in the line at various corners.

2. Broadening networking abilities by using social media and individual information given by the clients during the registration.

3. Sponsorships through proximity marketing strategies when a client passes by the specific stores or zones.

4. Give real-time navigation on the occasion or trade shows/shows.

5. Multimedia content delivery.

6. Auto registration and out.

7. Public Transportation Terminals Apps

The Beacon Technology can assist us with making our transportation brilliant by being a piece of IoT applications. A definitive advantages of the Beacon use are:

1. Way-finding

2. Flight/train/transport/cable car data

3. Stuff collection

4. Estimating vicinity of door/exit

5. Advanced and contactless tagging

6. The booking in Advance and installment

7. Real-time announcements and messages

In this manner, iBeacon Technology gives start to finish answers to convey consistent encounters for individuals and the administration staff.

Merchandise Transportation/Logistics and Fleet Apps

With the assistance of fixed Beacon and mobile Beacon ideas, asset tracking turns out to be simple.

Enormous warehouses take advantage of Beacon Technology to recognize resources of comparative sorts or set up a guide of every resource in the huge distribution centers.

The same goes right for the large parking areas.

For moving cargoes, GPS is fantastic for location detection, yet labeling the merchandise in moving freight with Beacon helps cranes and products stacking staff to distinguish their merchandise to stack and reload in and out the cargoes.

Sports Apps

Games generally happen in the huge arenas and grounds where free is permitted in overseen ways. In the games Beacon innovation has an effect followingly:

1. Encourage management to convey welcome and farewell messages to the crowd.

2. Expand the assistance when dense crowd gathering happens, or long lines show up on specific stalls or doors to deflect the accidents.

3. With the fleet of beacons, sports authorities assist guests with finding their seats, food slows down nearby, and less jam-packed spots to take rest.

4. Delivering ongoing information and messages with respect to game and members.

5. Upsell the better seat.

6. Making network or help individuals missing inmates

7. Offering marketing impetuses or promotions personalized.


The facts demonstrate that the job of Beacon innovation is exceptionally huge in a wide scope of areas and covering all here is out of extension and space. Be that as it may, every area has explicit requirements and use cases to implement Beacon innovation in mobile application development. It requires some related involvements and mastery to convey customized arrangements. It is Aelius Venture and its mobile application development group, which is adequately incredible to address your area’s explicit requirements flawlessly and cost-viably.

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