You may have heard a lot about artificial intelligence since ChatGPT came out and people started talking about the risks of using the AI tool in the wrong way. But even if you’re not using ChatGPT right now, we bet you’ve used artificial intelligence  at least once in the last 5 minutes. 

Artificial Intelligence Examples

Here are eight examples of artificial intelligence you may come across every day.

1. Navigation and maps

Artificial intelligence has made traveling a lot better. You no longer have to use paper maps or written directions. Instead, you can use Google Maps or Apple Maps on your phone and type in where you want to go.

Using machine learning, the algorithms remember the edges of the buildings they have learned. This makes it possible for the map to look better and for house and building numbers to be recognized and understood. The app has also been taught to recognize and understand changes in traffic flow, so it can suggest a route that avoids roadblocks and traffic.

2. Recognition and detection of faces

We use artificial intelligence every day when we use visual filters on our faces when taking pictures and when we use face ID to unlock our phones. The first one has face detection, which means that any human face can be found. Face recognition is used by the second one to recognize a specific face. Face recognition is also used by government buildings and airports to keep an eye on people and keep them safe.

3. Autocorrect or text editors

As a student, you may have used a tool like Grammarly to check the spelling of your final paper before turning it in to your teacher. You may still use it now to check the spelling of an email you’re sending to your boss. This is another example of machine learning. It seems that AI algorithms use machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing to find wrong ways to use language and suggest corrections in word processors, texting apps, and any other written medium. Linguists and computer scientists work together to teach machines grammar, just like you were taught in school. High-quality language data is used to teach the algorithms, so if you use a comma in the wrong way, the editor will catch it.

4. Algorithms for Search and Recommendation

Have you noticed that when you want to watch a movie or shop online, the suggestions you get are often related to your interests or recent searches? By watching what you do online, these smart recommendation systems have learned over time what you like and how you act. The user provides the data at the front end, which is then stored and analyzed using machine learning and deep learning. Then, it is usually able to figure out what you like and suggest things you might want to buy or listen to next.

5. Chatbots

As a customer, talking to customer service can take a lot of time and make you feel stressed. It’s usually expensive and hard to run, which makes it a bad department for companies. AI chatbots are one way to solve this problem that is becoming more and more popular. The algorithms let machines answer frequently asked questions, take orders and keep track of them, and route calls.

Through natural language processing, chatbots are taught to talk like customer service representatives (NLP). Modern chatbots no longer need inputs in a certain way, like yes/no questions.In fact, if you give a bad rating for the answer you get, the bot will figure out what it did wrong and fix it for the next time, making sure that the customer is happy as much as possible.

6. Personal digital assistants

When we have a lot on our plates, we often ask digital assistants to do things for us. You might ask the assistant to call your mom while you are driving. These assistants figure out what you want and try to get it for you by using NLP, ML, statistical analysis, and algorithmic execution. Voice search and image search both work in a similar way.

7. E-Payments

It’s a huge waste of time to have to run to the bank for every transaction, and AI is part of the reason why you haven’t been to a bank branch in 5 years. Artificial intelligence is now being used by banks to help customers by making payment processes easier.

Using AI for security, identity management, and privacy controls has made it possible for people to make deposits, transfer money, and even open accounts from anywhere. Even possible fraud can be caught by looking at how people use their credit cards. Also, this is a form of artificial intelligence. The algorithms can figure out what kind of products a user buys, when and where they usually buy them, and what price range they fall into.

Read more: Google Bard vs ChatGPT: Features

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