Wobot AI
May, 1 2021
Mobile Development

Improved decision-making using Video Intelligence All CCTV cameras may be quickly and easily added to the system from one location. Make better decisions together by gathering actionable information across teams. With our AI-driven video analytics platform, you may not only choose from pre-existing checklists but also build them to meet your specific industry’s needs. Keeping an eye on process compliance is much easier with this. The Wobot platform’s user-friendliness and compatibility with all major camera brands make it easy to integrate and seamlessly onboard your current cameras into our system to monitor day-to-day procedures. is an all-in-one platform for seeing all of your cameras, automating process compliance, and remotely monitoring everything in real-time. Access all of your assignments and tickets from one place. Make educated decisions by providing your local team with control room visual information. On the app, you can see what’s been recorded or what’s happening in real-time. At any time and in any place. Wobot’s easy-to-use platform offers insightful dashboards that provide a company-wide perspective. You’ll receive insightful information in your email, which will aid you in making important business choices. We created the mobile app for the Android and iOS platforms.

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